Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)

Student Liaisons

The positions of student liaisons to the Board of Trustees were created by the Board on December 1, 1994, and amended on April 2, 1998.  The student liaisons will serve as a source to the Board in decisions regarding student issues.


  • attend all scheduled public meetings of the Board
  • serve for a one- or two-year appointment, beginning in July each year
  • provide a cross-section of student views and opinions
  • make periodic reports regarding Board activities to student groups
  • participate in an orientation program  


Student liaison positions are open to all Oakland University students who:

  • are in good academic standing (2.5 G.P.A. or higher);
  • have earned a minimum of 56 credits or 18 graduate credit hours (minimum of 28 or 9 earned at Oakland University respectively);
  • have agreed not to hold other major campus elected or appointed leadership positions during the period of student liaison appointment;
  • have a record of service to the campus or community; and
  • have no record of disciplinary action at Oakland University or another university

Selection Process

Students who qualify and are interested in becoming a student liaison should complete the Student Liaison to the Board of Trustees Application. Applications for 2023-24 are due June 15, 2023.  For any questions, please contact Lori Marsh with the Division of Student Affairs & Diversity by emailing, calling 248-370-4452, or visiting Oakland Center, Suite 150.

The senior vice president for student affairs and diversity appoints a committee comprised of two students, including a University Student Congress representative selected by the Congress, one staff and one faculty member, to recommend at least five names of students (from applications and nominations) to the president for the appointment of two student liaisons.

2023-2024 Student Liaisons

For any questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Student Liaisons at:

Red Douglas
Payton Bucki