

The best way to navigate challenging residential situations and personal circumstances — and to avoid them from happening in the first place — is to review and understand OU’s policies. 花点时间阅读我们的政策和程序, 想想它们和你的日常生活有什么关系.


要取消你的校内住宿,你需要在网上填写一份合同解除表. 您可以按照以下说明进行操作. 我们还有一个 合同取消视频教程 为了您的方便.

Please remember that you have until July 15, 2023 to cancel your housing contract without penalty. 在此之后,您将需要支付取消预订的费用 房屋合同的条款和条件.

请注意,一旦你取消合同, you will have five business days in which to move out of your room assignment and return your key. 因此,您需要相应地安排提交合同解除表的时间.


  1. 登录 我的房屋门户网站.

  2. 单击 合同/形式 下拉菜单,然后单击要取消的合同.

  3. 你想用这个应用程序做什么? 出现的下拉菜单,选择 取消/撤回此申请,然后点击 提交.

  4. 当出现提示时,通过选择来确认要取消合同 是,请取消此申请 从出现的下拉菜单中.

  5. 选择取消合同的原因.

  6. 添加任何其他注释 框,提供您认为重要的任何其他信息,然后单击 提交.

  7. 然后,您将进入合同发布的确认页面,并注意到 取消了 现在出现在合同/表单下拉菜单中被取消合同的末尾.

  8. 一旦你的合同解除处理完毕, 你的钥匙还回来了, 大学的宿舍 will remove any remaining housing charges from your student account to provide you a prorated refund of your room and board. 这通常发生在2-3个工作日内. 对合同解除程序有疑问的,可以联系 (电子邮件保护).

Students who will graduate at the conclusion of the fall semester will need to cancel the remainder of their housing contract prior to leaving 大学的宿舍. Students who will graduate at the conclusion of the 冬天 semester do not have to take any additional steps with regard to their housing contract.

Graduating students who must stay in their Oakland 大学的宿舍 assignment beyond the semester closing date (冬天) or the end-of-the-year closing date (spring) in order to attend commencement ceremonies will be permitted to stay from the end of the contract term until 11 p.m. 在毕业季结束后的第二天,资格允许. 为了有资格在适用的截止日期之后继续留在校园住宿, 学生必须填写住宿申请表, 哪个是在学期结束时通过电子邮件发给学生的. 你可以找到更多关于 这个过程

  • formally admitted to the University as matriculated or conditionally admitted students in a degree-seeking program at the University and enrolled in a minimum of one (1) credit hour during each fall, 冬天, 或住在大学宿舍的夏季学期;
  • matriculated students in a degree-seeking program at another college or university that has an affiliation or exchange agreement with the University and who are attending the University as part of a program covered by one of the affiliation or exchange agreements;
  • 或参加学校授权的夏令营或海外学期项目. 
除了, students who have been admitted to the University’s English as a Second Language Institute (“ESL Institute”) are eligible to reside in 大学的宿舍 if they:
  • have either applied to a degree-seeking program at the University or have indicated on their ESL Institute application that they intend to pursue a degree at the University;
  • are required to complete coursework in the University’s ESL Institute in order to meet the University’s English language proficiency admissions requirements;
  • 已获得大学签发的ESL学院学习的I-20或DS-2019;
  • are enrolled full-time in ESL Institute courses; and (v) are making satisfactory academic progress in their ESL Institute program as determined by the University.

ESL Institute students may be registered less than full-time if they are either participating in the University's American Semester Abroad Program or are in the final semester of their ESL Institute coursework and are enrolled in at least the minimum number of courses/credits to fully complete their ESL Institute program in that semester.

Students enrolled in continuing education classes or other non-degree programs are not formally admitted to the University and are therefore not eligible to reside in 大学的宿舍.

Students must also complete at least 16 credit hours in good standing and be a non-first-year resident to reside in the Apartments.

Students who experience a change of status resulting in lack of eligibility compliance must vacate their assigned residence halls rooms or apartments as directed by the Department of 大学的宿舍.

只有年满21岁的人才可以持有和饮用含酒精饮料. 任何拥有, 和/或消费, 和/或发现未达到法定年龄的人饮酒, 或拥有, 和/或在大学宿舍内的公共场所饮酒, 可能会被365英国上市官网警察开出一张出勤票(MIP -未成年人持有). Alcohol may be possessed and consumed only in student rooms where the occupant is 21 years or older. 在学生宿舍喝酒时, 公寓或别墅, the room and/or suite and/or apartment or cottage door must be closed and occupants must be in no violation of other policies. Students should be aware of the legal liability inherent in supplying alcohol to anyone not of legal age.

不得藏有(包括开罐、瓶子、杯子、挤瓶等).),也不允许在大学宿舍内的任何公共区域饮酒, 包括阳台, 走廊, 休息室, 自习室和社区浴室. 户外是不允许的. Alcohol containers and returnables must be wrapped or contained in a bag or other packaging so the contents are not visible. 将酒精容器藏在口袋或外套和衬衫下面是不可接受的. 酒精瓶和容器不得用作住宅的装饰物品.

“公共源代码”分发, 定义为共享或提供酒精饮料的任何个人或团体, 是被禁止的. 宿舍内不允许携带酒桶和消费用具. 违反饮酒规定的学生可能会被要求参加酒精教育课程, and may face additional sanctions as deemed fit by 大学的宿舍 or the Dean of Students Office.

作为一个国家支持的机构, 365英国上市官网 expects its students to observe federal and state laws regarding the use or possession of illegal drugs. 学校不允许出售, 分布, 在校园内使用或持有非法毒品, 也不包括使用或拥有毒品用具(一).e. 烟斗、卷筒纸、水烟管、鳞片、蟑螂夹等.).

The possession of a Michigan marijuana registry identification card does not exempt students from this prohibition. 根据联邦法律,使用和持有大麻仍然是非法的, 作为联邦基金的接受者, 365英国上市官网 is subject to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, and could lose federal funding for any violations of those acts that require 365英国上市官网 to take measures to combat the use of drugs and alcohol. Prescription drugs are only to be used by the person to whom they are prescribed and as directed.

被发现有气味的学生和客人, 在…面前, 或受非法药物影响者将受到纪律处分, which could include immediate suspension or expulsion from 大学的宿舍 and/or the university, 以及法律诉讼. 违反此政策的学生也可能被要求参加毒品教育课程, and may face additional sanctions as deemed fit by 大学的宿舍 or the Dean of Students Office.

Sexual misconduct is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature without consent and includes sexual harassment, 性敌对环境和性暴力. 了解更多关于公开大学的信息 性侵犯和暴力倡议.


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